Forma-1 Brit Nagydíj

Csou: jól vagyok, a glória megmentette az életemet

Az Alfa Romeo kínai újonca óriási rajtbalesetet szenvedett a 2022-es Forma-1-es Brit Nagydíj első körében, amit óriási szerencséjére és a modern F1-es autók biztonságának köszönhetően sértetlenül megúszott.

The accident involving Zhou Guanyu, Alfa Romeo C42 at the start of the race

Hiába került sikerült a rajtot követő pár méteren ismét a pontszerző helyek közé kerülnie, Csou Kuan-jü versenye már az első kanyar előtt véget ért. Nem sokkal mögötte Pierre Gasly megforgatta a keményeken rosszul rajtoló George Russellt, aki irányíthatatlanul csúszott tovább Csou irányába, és fordította fel az Alfa pilótáját.

Csou autója azon kívül, hogy a bukókeretén csúszott ki a bukótérbe, megpattant a kavicságyban, és így a gumifal és a fém kerítés közé esett, ahol csak a 2018-ban kötelezővé tett glória választotta el a fejét és a gumifalat.

Míg Csout végül egy rövid ellenőrzés után már az orvosi szobából is kiengedték – a tömegbaleset másik sérültjét, Alex Albont Coventry-be szállították, de a rutinellenőrzések befejezte után őt is kiengedték.

Még több F1 hír:
Marshals remove the damaged car of Zhou Guanyu, Alfa Romeo C42
Marshals remove the damaged car of Zhou Guanyu, Alfa Romeo C42
Marshals remove the damaged car of Zhou Guanyu, Alfa Romeo C42
Marshals remove the damaged car of Zhou Guanyu, Alfa Romeo C42
Marshals and medics assist Zhou Guanyu, Alfa Romeo C42
Marshals and medics assist Zhou Guanyu, Alfa Romeo C42
Marshals and medics assist Zhou Guanyu, Alfa Romeo C42
Marshals and medics assist Zhou Guanyu, Alfa Romeo C42
Marshals and medics assist Zhou Guanyu, Alfa Romeo C42
Marshals and medics assist Zhou Guanyu, Alfa Romeo C42
Marshals and medics assist Zhou Guanyu, Alfa Romeo C42
The accident involving Zhou Guanyu, Alfa Romeo C42, George Russell, Mercedes W13 at the start of the race
The accident involving Zhou Guanyu, Alfa Romeo C42, George Russell, Mercedes W13 at the start of the race
The accident involving Zhou Guanyu, Alfa Romeo C42, George Russell, Mercedes W13 at the start of the race
The accident involving Zhou Guanyu, Alfa Romeo C42, George Russell, Mercedes W13 at the start of the race
The accident involving Zhou Guanyu, Alfa Romeo C42, George Russell, Mercedes W13 at the start of the race
The accident involving Zhou Guanyu, Alfa Romeo C42, George Russell, Mercedes W13 at the start of the race
The accident involving Zhou Guanyu, Alfa Romeo C42, George Russell, Mercedes W13 at the start of the race
The accident involving Zhou Guanyu, Alfa Romeo C42, George Russell, Mercedes W13 at the start of the race
The accident involving Zhou Guanyu, Alfa Romeo C42, George Russell, Mercedes W13 at the start of the race
The accident involving Zhou Guanyu, Alfa Romeo C42 at the start of the race
The accident involving Zhou Guanyu, Alfa Romeo C42 at the start of the race
George Russell, Mercedes-AMG, assists marshals in extracting Zhou Guanyu, Alfa Romeo F1 Team, from his car
George Russell, Mercedes-AMG, assists marshals in extracting Zhou Guanyu, Alfa Romeo F1 Team, from his car
George Russell, Mercedes-AMG, assists marshals in extracting Zhou Guanyu, Alfa Romeo F1 Team, from his car
George Russell, Mercedes-AMG, assists marshals in extracting Zhou Guanyu, Alfa Romeo F1 Team, from his car
George Russell, Mercedes-AMG, assists marshals in extracting Zhou Guanyu, Alfa Romeo F1 Team, from his car
George Russell, Mercedes-AMG, assists marshals in extracting Zhou Guanyu, Alfa Romeo F1 Team, from his car
Zhou Guanyu, Alfa Romeo C42 crashes at start of race
Zhou Guanyu, Alfa Romeo C42 crashes at start of race
Zhou Guanyu, Alfa Romeo C42 crashes at start of race
Zhou Guanyu, Alfa Romeo C42 crashes at start of race
Zhou Guanyu, Alfa Romeo C42 crashes at start of race
Zhou Guanyu, Alfa Romeo C42 crashes at start of race
Zhou Guanyu, Alfa Romeo C42 crashes at start of race
Zhou Guanyu, Alfa Romeo C42 crashes at start of race
Zhou Guanyu, Alfa Romeo C42 crashes at start of race
Zhou Guanyu, Alfa Romeo C42 crashes at start of race
Zhou Guanyu, Alfa Romeo C42 crashes at start of race
Zhou Guanyu, Alfa Romeo C42 crashes at start of race
Zhou Guanyu, Alfa Romeo C42 crashes at start of race
Zhou Guanyu, Alfa Romeo C42 crashes at start of race
Zhou Guanyu, Alfa Romeo C42 crashes at start of race
Zhou Guanyu, Alfa Romeo C42 crashes at start of race
Medical staff attend Zhou Guanyu, Alfa Romeo C42 after crash
medical staff attend to Zhou Guanyu, Alfa Romeo C42 after crash at start of race
Max Verstappen, Red Bull Racing RB18, as a crash involving George Russell, Mercedes W13, Zhou Guanyu, Alfa Romeo C42, Alex Albon, Williams FW44, Esteban Ocon, Alpine A522, Yuki Tsunoda, AlphaTauri AT03, unfolds
Marshals remove the damaged car of Zhou Guanyu, Alfa Romeo C42
Marshals extract Zhou Guanyu, Alfa Romeo F1 Team, from his damaged car after a crash on the opening lap
Carlos Sainz, Ferrari F1-75, as a crash involving George Russell, Mercedes W13, Zhou Guanyu, Alfa Romeo C42, Alex Albon, Williams FW44, Esteban Ocon, Alpine A522, Yuki Tsunoda, AlphaTauri AT03, unfolds
A crash involving George Russell, Mercedes W13, Zhou Guanyu, Alfa Romeo C42, Alex Albon, Williams FW44, Esteban Ocon, Alpine A522, Yuki Tsunoda, AlphaTauri AT03, unfolds at the start
Zhou Guanyu, Alfa Romeo C42, slides across the gravel upside down after a crash at the start
Zhou Guanyu, Alfa Romeo C42, slides across the gravel upside down after a crash at the start
Zhou Guanyu, Alfa Romeo C42, slides across the gravel during a crash at the start
Zhou Guanyu, Alfa Romeo C42, slides across the gravel during a crash at the start
Zhou Guanyu, Alfa Romeo C42 crashes at start of race
Zhou Guanyu, Alfa Romeo C42 crashes at start of race
Zhou Guanyu, Alfa Romeo C42 crashes at start of race
Zhou Guanyu, Alfa Romeo C42 crashes at start of race
Zhou Guanyu, Alfa Romeo C42 crashes at start of race
Zhou Guanyu, Alfa Romeo C42 crashes at start of race
Zhou Guanyu, Alfa Romeo C42 crashes at start of race
The race gets under way and a huge crash unfolds involving George Russell, Mercedes W13, Zhou Guanyu, Alfa Romeo C42, Alex Albon, Williams FW44, Esteban Ocon, Alpine A522, Yuki Tsunoda, AlphaTauri AT03
The race gets under way and a huge crash unfolds involving George Russell, Mercedes W13, Zhou Guanyu, Alfa Romeo C42, Alex Albon, Williams FW44, Esteban Ocon, Alpine A522, Yuki Tsunoda, AlphaTauri AT03
The race gets under way and a huge crash unfolds involving George Russell, Mercedes W13, Zhou Guanyu, Alfa Romeo C42, Alex Albon, Williams FW44, Esteban Ocon, Alpine A522, Yuki Tsunoda, AlphaTauri AT03
The race gets under way and a huge crash unfolds involving George Russell, Mercedes W13, Zhou Guanyu, Alfa Romeo C42, Alex Albon, Williams FW44, Esteban Ocon, Alpine A522, Yuki Tsunoda, AlphaTauri AT03
The race gets under way and a huge crash unfolds involving George Russell, Mercedes W13, Zhou Guanyu, Alfa Romeo C42, Alex Albon, Williams FW44, Esteban Ocon, Alpine A522, Yuki Tsunoda, AlphaTauri AT03
The race gets under way and a huge crash unfolds involving George Russell, Mercedes W13, Zhou Guanyu, Alfa Romeo C42, Alex Albon, Williams FW44, Esteban Ocon, Alpine A522, Yuki Tsunoda, AlphaTauri AT03
The race gets under way and a huge crash unfolds involving George Russell, Mercedes W13, Zhou Guanyu, Alfa Romeo C42, Alex Albon, Williams FW44, Esteban Ocon, Alpine A522, Yuki Tsunoda, AlphaTauri AT03
The FIA Medical team at the scene of a crash for Zhou Guanyu, Alfa Romeo F1 Team, at the start
The accident involving Zhou Guanyu, Alfa Romeo C42, at the start of the race
The accident involving Zhou Guanyu, Alfa Romeo C42, at the start of the race
The accident involving Zhou Guanyu, Alfa Romeo C42, at the start of the race
The accident involving Zhou Guanyu, Alfa Romeo C42, at the start of the race
The accident involving Zhou Guanyu, Alfa Romeo C42, at the start of the race
The accident involving Zhou Guanyu, Alfa Romeo C42, at the start of the race
The accident involving Zhou Guanyu, Alfa Romeo C42, at the start of the race
Medical aid assists Zhou Guanyu, Alfa Romeo F1 Team, after a crash on the opening lap
Max Verstappen, Red Bull Racing RB18, as a crash involving George Russell, Mercedes W13, Zhou Guanyu, Alfa Romeo C42, Alex Albon, Williams FW44, Esteban Ocon, Alpine A522, Yuki Tsunoda, AlphaTauri AT03, unfolds
Lewis Hamilton, Mercedes W13, as a crash involving George Russell, Mercedes W13, Zhou Guanyu, Alfa Romeo C42, Alex Albon, Williams FW44, Esteban Ocon, Alpine A522, Yuki Tsunoda, AlphaTauri AT03, unfolds
A crash involving George Russell, Mercedes W13, Zhou Guanyu, Alfa Romeo C42, Alex Albon, Williams FW44, Esteban Ocon, Alpine A522, Yuki Tsunoda, AlphaTauri AT03, unfolds at the start
A crash involving George Russell, Mercedes W13, Zhou Guanyu, Alfa Romeo C42, Alex Albon, Williams FW44, Esteban Ocon, Alpine A522, Yuki Tsunoda, AlphaTauri AT03, unfolds at the start
A crash involving George Russell, Mercedes W13, Zhou Guanyu, Alfa Romeo C42, Alex Albon, Williams FW44, Esteban Ocon, Alpine A522, Yuki Tsunoda, AlphaTauri AT03, unfolds at the start

Csou a balesete után lemondta a sajtótájékoztatóit, de az Alfa Romeo körlevelén keresztül így is életjelet adott magáról.

„Nagyon nagy baleset volt, és örülök, hogy rendben vagyok” – mondta Csou. „A sportbírók és az orvosi csapat tagjai is remek munkát végeztek, és nagyon gyorsan a segítségemre siettek.”

„Köszönetet kell mondanom az FIA-nak és az F1-nek is, amiért folyamatosan javítanak az autóink biztonságán. Ma egyértelmű, hogy a glória megmentett, és ez egy újabb példája volt annak, hogy az autók biztonságát javító kezdeményezésnek valós eredménye van.”

Miután az FIA orvosi stábja is egészségesnek találta, Csou már Ausztriában újra pályára gurulhat majd.

„Minden korábbinál jobban várom már, hogy visszatérhessek a pályára, és azt csináljam, amit igazán szeretek.”

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